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Had the idea to make myself this set of color coded hats a few weeks back after getting overwhelmed for the millionth time trying to do way too many things at once. On too many occasions to count I sit down and try to come up with a game plan for my tasks, accomplish the actual tasks, and engage in fun activities to loosen up the work all at the same time and end up just freezing and doing nothing. These hats are a little reminder for me to try to focus on one thing at a time.

(playing) is about pleasure and letting my mind and or body go wild.

(doing) is about putting my head down and doing the damn thing without second guessing or judging.

(thinking) is what I’m best at and trying to do less of. (I overthink everythingggggg. For me it’s strategizing, editing, judging, outlining, planning etc.

Sometimes I play first followed by thinking and finish with doing.
Sometimes I start with doing and then play then think.
Depends on the day.
I love that I fucked around and made myself a real life thinking cap 💭 🧢 ❤️

-chester    10.24.2024